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Qualified Opportunity Fund

Using qualified opportunity funds to reduce capital gains tax

We are experts in this topic and can show you how to use a Qualified Opportunity Fund to save (or eliminate) capital gains tax.

If you hold the QOF investment for five years, you can exclude 50% of your gain. These funds are easily distributed. However, if you hold your money in the fund for ten years, you would not show any profit.

Some questions we are frequently asked:

  • Do I have to invest my net gain or gross sales amount of the investment that produced the capital gains?
  • Can I withdraw in fewer than five years?
  • How is this reported on my tax return? Do I even have to report my capital gains?
  • What types of capital gains qualify for this exclusion from net income?
  • Is there a maximum I can contribute?
  • Does this also eliminate state tax?
  • Can I invest a partial amount of my gain proceeds or does it have to be the full amount?

We are happy to advise on any of these topics or, if you are ready to set aside your capital gains, we can structure your fund, complete your tax returns with exclusion, or perform work related to any portion of this process.

Simply contact us below for assistance with this and we will respond shortly.

Need some help? Please fill out the form below and one of our specialists will get back to you immediately.

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