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Filing Jointly vs. Separately

Your decision to file jointly vs. separately can have significant tax implications.

This conversation can happen at any point in a marriage – newly wed couples frequently ask this question during their first year of tax preparation. Couples in increasingly larger tax brackets are also quite affected. Below are some discussion points.

  • What are situations that may cause us to overpay tax when filing jointly?
  • How can I compute which strategy is best for me?
  • Do we increase our tax bracket when filing jointly?
  • Do we lose any deductions using one version of our returns vs. another?
  • My spouse is on an income-based repayment plan. How will this affect our returns?
  • My spouse owns properties or assets outside of the US. Am I also responsible for reporting?
  • Can you help me make the joint vs. separate decision numerically?
  • Do you offer consulting on the topic?

We specialize in assisting couples plan for their tax & making the joint vs. separate filing decision and are happy to guide on the nuances described above.

For assistance with these topics or for help filing your returns with these items in mind, fill out the form below & we will be in touch shortly.

Need some help? Please fill out the form below and one of our specialists will get back to you immediately.

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