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Two main deadlines approaching for CA filers πŸŒ‰πŸŒŠ

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  • Two main deadlines approaching for CA filers πŸŒ‰πŸŒŠ


If you already have filed, my main question at this point in the year is: have you already gone over your 2023 tax strategy? Remember, most tax strategies must be implemented well-ahead of year-end, so please ensure you have optimized your tax profile. This includes deductions, credits, and long term tax planning.

We’re here to lend a helping hand during this extension season. Have questions about deductions? Wondering about the credits? Or just need some tax advice? We’re here and ready to assist.

Our goal is to help you make the most of this extension, not just by avoiding the last-minute frenzy but by ensuring your tax return reflects your unique financial situation.

Remember, while October 16th might seem like a while away, time has a way of slipping through our fingers. Feel free to contact us below and we will get started immediately!

George Dimov CPA

(833) 829-1120 toll free

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