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Tenant-in-Common Interests

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Tenant-in-Common Interests

Investing in real estate is a time-honored strategy for building wealth and among the various investment structures available, Tenant-in-Common (TIC) interests stand out for their unique advantages. TIC ownership allows multiple investors to hold undivided fractional interests in a property, providing a flexible and accessible way to invest in real estate without the need to form a partnership or corporation. This structure is particularly appealing for those looking to diversify their investment portfolios, participate in larger real estate deals or take advantage of tax deferral opportunities offered by 1031 exchanges.

TIC arrangements have been increasingly utilized in recent years, driven by the desire of investors to optimize their real estate holdings while managing risk. Each co-owner in a TIC arrangement holds a distinct and transferable interest in the property which can be bought, sold or inherited independently of the other co-owners. This structure not only facilitates greater investment flexibility but also aligns with the legal and tax frameworks that govern real estate transactions in the United States.

Understanding the intricacies of TIC interests is crucial for anyone considering this investment route. The regulations governing TIC arrangements, particularly the IRS Revenue Procedure 2002-22, provide a comprehensive framework to ensure that these arrangements are treated appropriately for tax purposes. Compliance with these regulations is essential to maintain the benefits associated with TIC ownership and to avoid potential pitfalls.

Moreover, TIC investments require careful planning and execution. From the initial identification of suitable properties and securing financing to drafting detailed co-ownership agreements and managing the property, each step is critical to the success of the investment. 

The Concept

TIC interest is a form of property ownership where two or more investors hold undivided fractional interests in a property. Unlike joint tenancy, TIC allows investors to own different percentages of the property and each co-owner has the right to independently sell, transfer or encumber their ownership interest. This type of arrangement is particularly popular in 1031 exchanges, which allow for the deferral of capital gains taxes by reinvesting proceeds from a sold property into a like-kind property.

Governing Laws and Regulations

The primary regulation governing TIC arrangements is the IRS Revenue Procedure 2002-22. This guideline was established to ensure that TIC interests are not misconstrued as partnerships for federal tax purposes. Key points of the Revenue Procedure include:

  1. Ownership Structure: Each co-owner must hold title as a tenant in common under local law.
  2. Number of Co-Owners: The number of co-owners is limited to 35 persons.
  3. No Entity Treatment: Co-owners must not hold themselves out as a partnership or any other form of entity.
  4. Voting and Decision Making: Major decisions such as selling, leasing, or refinancing the property require unanimous consent from all co-owners.
  5. Restrictions on Alienation: Co-owners must have the right to transfer, partition and encumber their interests without needing approval from other co-owners, subject to customary commercial lending practices.

These regulations ensure that TIC arrangements are treated as direct ownership interests rather than partnerships, which helps in maintaining the tax-deferred status under a 1031 exchange.

Tax Obligations

Each co-owner in a TIC arrangement is individually responsible for their share of the property’s income, expenses and liabilities. The income and expenses must be reported on each co-owner’s tax returns, proportional to their ownership interest. It is crucial for TIC co-owners to maintain clear and accurate records of all transactions and agreements related to the property.

The Process of Setting Up a TIC Arrangement

Setting up a Tenant-in-Common (TIC) arrangement involves several detailed steps, each of which is crucial to ensure the success and legal compliance of the investment. The process maight be summarized as below:

1. Property Identification and Due Diligence

Step 1: Identifying Suitable Property

  • Market Research: Market research should be conducted thoroughly to identify potential investment properties. Factors such as location, property type, market conditions and growth potential should be taken into consideration.
  • Property Evaluation: The property’s condition, income potential and legal status must be evaluated. This includes reviewing property records, zoning laws and existing leases.

Step 2: Due Diligence

  • Physical Inspection: Professionals should be hired to inspect the property for structural integrity, safety and compliance with building codes.
  • Financial Analysis: The property’s financial statements, rent rolls and expense reports must be analyzed to assess its profitability.
  • Title Search: A title search should be conducted to ensure there are no liens, encumbrances or legal disputes affecting the property.

2. Formation of TIC Agreement

Step 3: Drafting the TIC Agreement

  • Legal Counsel: An attorney experienced in TIC arrangements should be engaged to draft the TIC agreement.
  • Ownership Interests: The ownership percentages for each co-owner should be defined based on their investment contributions.
  • Rights and Responsibilities: The rights and responsibilities of each co-owner must be outlined including management duties, decision-making processes and profit-sharing arrangements.
  • Voting Procedures: Voting procedures for major decisions should be established such as selling, leasing or refinancing the property. Typically, unanimous consent is required for significant actions.
  • Transfer Provisions: Provisions for the transfer of ownership interests, addressing the right of first refusal and procedures for selling individual interests must be included.

3. Financing the Property

Step 4: Securing Financing

  • Loan Options: Different financing options must be explored and a loan should be selected that suits the TIC structure. It should be ensured that the loan terms do not conflict with the TIC agreement.
  • Lender Requirements: The lender’s requirements must be met, which may include appraisals, environmental assessments and financial documentation for each co-owner.
  • Loan Approval: Loan approval should be obtained, ensuring that the lender understands and accepts the TIC ownership structure.

4. Acquisition and Closing

Step 5: Property Acquisition

  • Purchase Agreement: The purchase agreement should be negotiated and finalized with the seller, ensuring all terms are clear and favorable.
  • Escrow and Settlement: An escrow account must be opened and the settlement process must be managed including the disbursement of funds, transfer of title and recording of the deed.

Step 6: Execution of TIC Agreement

  • Document Execution: It should be ensured that all co-owners sign the TIC agreement and any ancillary documents.
  • Title Recording: The TIC agreement and the deed with the local recorder’s office must be recorded to establish legal ownership.

5. Management and Operations

Step 7: Property Management

  • Management Plan: A management plan should be developed that includes property maintenance, tenant relations and financial management.
  • Hiring a Manager: If necessary, a professional property manager must be hired to oversee day-to-day operations. It should be ensured that the manager’s duties and compensation are clearly defined in a management agreement.

Step 8: Regular Reporting and Meetings

  • Financial Reporting: Regular financial reports must be prepared and distributed to all co-owners, detailing income, expenses and distributions.
  • Annual Meetings: Annual meetings should be held to review property performance, discuss major decisions and address any concerns from co-owners.

6. Compliance and Ongoing Management

Step 9: Tax Compliance

  • Tax Filings: It must be ensured that all tax filings are completed accurately and on time. Each co-owner must report their share of income and expenses on their individual tax return
  • Consultation: It should be regularly consulted with tax professionals to optimize tax benefits and ensure compliance with IRS regulations.

Step 10: Periodic Review

  • Performance Review: The performance of the property and the TIC arrangement should be periodically reviewed to identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Agreement Updates: The TIC agreement must be updated as needed to reflect changes in ownership, financing or management.

Services Provided by Dimov Tax & CPA Services

Dimov Tax & CPA Services offers a range of services to assist clients with TIC interests:

  • Consultation and Advisory: Providing expert advice on the benefits and risks associated with TIC investments.
  • Tax Planning and Compliance: Ensuring that all tax obligations are met and optimizing tax benefits through strategic planning.
  • Financial Reporting: Preparing accurate financial statements and reports for each co-owner.
  • Transaction Support: Assisting with the acquisition, financing, and management of TIC properties.
  • Legal and Regulatory Guidance: Navigating the complex regulations and ensuring compliance with IRS guidelines.


Tenant-in-Common interests offer a flexible and tax-efficient way for multiple investors to co-own property. However, the complexities of TIC arrangements require careful planning and expert guidance. Dimov Tax & CPA Services is committed to providing comprehensive support to clients to ensure that their TIC investments are managed effectively and in compliance with all relevant regulations. Whether you are considering a TIC investment for the first time or need assistance with ongoing management, our team is here to help you achieve your financial goals.

For more detailed information and to schedule a consultation, please visit our website or contact us directly.

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