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Philadelphia’s Earnings Tax

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Philadelphia’s Earnings Tax


Philadelphia’s earnings tax is an important aspect of the city’s tax structure, impacting both residents and non-residents who earn income within the city limits. For businesses and employees alike, understanding the specifics of this tax is essential to ensure compliance and avoid penalties. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to Philadelphia’s earnings tax, covering its definition, regulations, rates, filing requirements and the responsibilities of both employers and employees.


Philadelphia’s earnings tax is imposed on salaries, wages, commissions, and other forms of compensation earned by individuals working within the city. This tax is vital as it contributes significantly to the city’s revenue, funding essential public services such as education, public safety and infrastructure.


Tax Rates

The tax rates for Philadelphia’s earned income tax are designed to apply differently to residents and non-residents. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

  • Residents: The earned income tax rate for residents of Philadelphia is 3.75%. This means that residents who earn income within the city are taxed at this rate on their gross earnings.

  • Non-Residents: Non-residents who work in Philadelphia but live outside the city are subject to a slightly lower tax rate of 3.44%​​.

These rates are applied to salaries, wages, commissions and other forms of compensation earned by individuals.

Filing Requirements

The filing requirements for Philadelphia’s earned income tax are structured to ensure that both employers and employees are regularly updating their tax information and payments:

    • Quarterly Filing: Taxpayers are required to file quarterly returns. The due dates for these quarterly filings are:

      • First Quarter: May 1 (for income earned between January 1 and March 31)
      • Second Quarter: July 31 (for income earned between April 1 and June 30)
      • Third Quarter: October 31 (for income earned between July 1 and September 30)
      • Fourth Quarter: January 31 of the following year (for income earned between October 1 and December 31)​​.

    • Annual Reconciliation: In addition to quarterly filings, taxpayers must complete an annual reconciliation by April 18 of the following year. This reconciliation ensures that all earnings have been correctly reported and that the appropriate amount of tax has been paid throughout the year​​.

    • Electronic Filing: Taxpayers are encouraged to use the Philadelphia Tax Center for electronic filing, which provides a streamlined process for submitting returns and making payments​ (City of Philadelphia)​.

  • EIN: An Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to businesses operating in the United States. The primary purpose of an EIN is to identify a business entity for tax purposes.

    The EIN is used by the IRS to track a business’s tax filings and payments. Businesses need an EIN to file federal and state taxes, including income tax, employment tax, and excise tax.

Exclusions and Deductions

Philadelphia’s earned income tax regulations include specific exclusions and deductions to provide relief for certain expenses and to ensure fair taxation:

  • Non-Reimbursed Employee Business Expenses: Employees can deduct certain non-reimbursed business expenses that are necessary for their employment. These deductions help reduce the taxable income and the overall tax burden.

  • Income Earned Outside Philadelphia: Residents who earn income outside Philadelphia may exclude that income from their taxable earnings if it is already subject to tax in another jurisdiction. This ensures that residents are not double-taxed on the same income​​.

  • Business Income & Receipts Tax (BIRT) and Net Profits Tax (NPT): Self-employed individuals and business owners pay BIRT and NPT instead of the earned income tax. These taxes have their own sets of exclusions and deductions, which can include business-related expenses and other allowable costs​​.

Differences Between Local Earnings Tax and Other Taxes

Philadelphia’s earnings tax differs from state and federal taxes in several ways:

  • Scope: While federal and state taxes apply to income earned across the entire country or state, Philadelphia’s earnings tax specifically targets income earned within the city.

  • Rates: The rates for local taxes can vary significantly from those imposed by state and federal governments.

  • Filing Requirements: Local taxes often have different filing schedules and requirements compared to state and federal taxes.

The primary legislation regulating Philadelphia’s earnings tax is the Philadelphia Income Tax Ordinance. This ordinance, along with various amendments and rulings by the Department of Revenue, provides the legal framework for the imposition, collection and enforcement of the tax. Key regulations include:

Employer Responsibilities

Withholding Requirements

Employers in Philadelphia have specific responsibilities to ensure compliance with the city’s earned income tax regulations:

  • Tax Withholding: Employers must withhold the appropriate amount of earned income tax from their employees’ paychecks. This applies to all employees who either reside in Philadelphia or work within the city limits.

  • Employee Classification: Correctly classifying workers as either employees or independent contractors is crucial since the withholding requirements differ. Misclassification can lead to significant penalties.

Reporting and Filing

  • Quarterly Returns: Employers must file quarterly tax returns detailing the amounts withheld from employees’ wages. These returns are due on May 1, July 31, October 31, and January 31 of the following year​​.

  • Annual Reconciliation: An annual reconciliation must be submitted to reconcile the total taxes withheld and paid throughout the year. This reconciliation is due by April 18 of the following year​​.

Payment of Withheld Taxes

  • Timely Payments: Employers must remit the withheld taxes to the City of Philadelphia on a timely basis. Failure to do so can result in interest and penalties.

  • Electronic Filing: Employers are encouraged to use the Philadelphia Tax Center to file returns and make payments electronically, which streamlines the process and ensures timely compliance​.

Record Keeping

  • Maintain Records: Employers are required to maintain accurate records of all wages paid and taxes withheld. These records should be kept for a minimum of four years and must be available for inspection by the Department of Revenue if requested​.

Employee Obligations

Ensuring Proper Withholding

Employees must ensure that their employers are withholding the correct amount of earned income tax from their paychecks:

  • Review Pay Stubs: Regularly reviewing pay stubs can help employees verify that the correct amount of tax is being withheld.

  • Update Information: Employees should update their withholding information if there are changes in their employment status or personal circumstances that could affect their tax liability.

Filing Requirements

  • Quarterly Filing: If the employer does not withhold the tax, such as when a Philadelphia resident works for an out-of-state employer, the employee is responsible for filing quarterly returns themselves. The deadlines are the same as those for employers: May 1, July 31, October 31, and January 31 of the following year​.

  • Annual Reconciliation: Employees must also complete an annual reconciliation to ensure that all taxes owed for the year have been paid correctly. This is due by April 18 of the following year​.

Impact on Paychecks

  • Understanding Withholding: Employees should understand how the withholding of the earned income tax impacts their net pay. The tax is deducted from their gross earnings, reducing the amount they take home.

Non-compliance with Philadelphia’s earned income tax regulations can result in significant penalties for both employers and employees.

Penalties for Employers

  1. Failure to Withhold Taxes: Employers who fail to withhold the required taxes from employees’ paychecks may face penalties, including fines and interest on the unpaid taxes.

  2. Late or Incorrect Filings: Employers who file returns late or incorrectly may incur penalties and interest charges. The specific penalties can vary based on the amount of tax due and the length of the delay​.

  3. Enforcement Actions: The Philadelphia Department of Revenue has the authority to enforce compliance through audits and legal proceedings. Employers found to be non-compliant may face additional fines and legal consequences​.

Penalties for Employees

  1. Failure to File Returns: Employees who fail to file the required quarterly returns or the annual reconciliation may be subject to penalties and interest charges on the unpaid taxes​​.

  2. Underpayment of Taxes: Employees who underpay their taxes due to incorrect withholding or failure to file may face penalties. The Department of Revenue can impose fines and interest on the unpaid amounts​.

Examples of Penalties

  • Late Filing Penalty: A penalty may be imposed for each month or part of a month that a return is late, up to a maximum percentage of the unpaid tax.

  • Interest on Unpaid Taxes: Interest accrues on any unpaid tax from the original due date of the return until the tax is paid in full.

  • Failure to Pay Penalty: Additional penalties may apply if the tax is not paid by the due date, including a percentage of the unpaid tax for each month the tax remains unpaid​​.

Resources for Compliance

To avoid penalties and ensure compliance, employers and employees can utilize various resources:

  • Philadelphia Department of Revenue Website: This site provides detailed information, forms, and filing instructions to help taxpayers meet their obligations​​.

  • Philadelphia Tax Center: This online platform allows taxpayers to file returns, make payments, and access their tax records electronically, simplifying the compliance process​​.

  • Professional Assistance: Dimov Tax & CPA Services can provide expert guidance and support in managing tax compliance and optimizing tax outcomes.

Services Provided by Dimov Tax & CPA Services

Dimov Tax & CPA Services can offer a range of services to help clients with their Philadelphia earnings tax obligations:

  • Tax Filing and Preparation: Assistance with preparing and filing quarterly and annual tax returns.

  • Compliance Review: Ensuring that all withholding and reporting requirements are met to avoid penalties.

  • Audit Support: Providing support and representation in case of an audit by the Department of Revenue.

  • Tax Planning: Advising on strategies to minimize tax liabilities and optimize financial outcomes.

  • Employee Training: Offering training sessions for employees to understand their tax obligations and ensure proper withholding.


Philadelphia’s earnings tax is a critical component of the city’s revenue system, and compliance with its regulations is essential for both employers and employees. By understanding the tax requirements, utilizing available resources and seeking professional assistance when needed, taxpayers can effectively manage their obligations and avoid penalties. Dimov Tax & CPA Services stands ready to assist with all aspects of Philadelphia’s earnings tax, providing expert guidance and support to ensure compliance and optimize tax outcomes.

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