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Navigating CP14 Notices

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  • Navigating CP14 Notices

Are you worried about receiving a CP14 Notice from the IRS? With millions of taxpayers projected to receive such notices due to the expanded IRS budget, it’s important to have a reliable tax advisor on your side. That’s where DimovTax comes in!

CP14 notices:

  • Sent to taxpayers who have an outstanding balance on their tax return;
  • Inform taxpayers of how much they owe;
  • Include a scannable QR code that directs to an IRS landing page for payments.

If you receive a CP14 Notice, it’s important to take action quickly. Ignoring the notice could result in additional penalties and interest, and the IRS may take collection actions against you. At DimovTax, we can help you understand your options and develop a plan to resolve your outstanding balance. Our team of tax experts has years of experience in handling IRS notices, and we’ll work tirelessly to ensure the best possible outcome for you.

Why choose DimovTax?

  • Our team of experts is highly experienced and knowledgeable in all areas of tax preparation, planning, and resolution;
  • Even if you do not have your past records in order, we can take this work off your plate and get the IRS letter reduced or removed in many cases
  • We fight the IRS on your behalf and can handle tax court cases, tax assessment reduction, penalty removals, offers in compromise (settlements) with the IRS, and back taxes; 
  • We are committed to providing top-notch customer service and support, prioritizing communication, and work with you to understand your unique situation and goals

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you with your tax needs. We’re here to provide you with peace of mind during tax season and beyond.


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