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Fire loss deductions

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Tax deductions for losses related to fire and casualty

When a fire ravages your home, it’s a distressing experience. Thankfully, most homeowners’ insurance policies cover the majority of the damages incurred. However, you may still have to pay a deductible out of pocket. In some cases, the insurance may not cover your entire loss so it’s crucial to understand that you may be eligible for a deduction on your tax return.

Previously, homeowners could claim a fire loss tax deduction on their taxes. However, recent changes brought about by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act have altered this landscape. Under the new law, casualty losses must meet specific criteria to qualify for tax deductions. They must be unusual, unexpected, and sudden. Gradual damage or foreseeable events no longer qualify.

In addition, you can only deduct losses of personal use property related to federally declared natural disasters from tax years 2018 through 2025. If you reside in counties officially declared as disaster areas, homeowners who have suffered losses due to natural disasters can take the deduction on the tax return for the year the loss occurred or the prior year. It’s essential to note that if your insurance company pays more than the adjusted basis of your property, you may have a taxable casualty gain.

Navigating the tax landscape can be complex, especially when it comes to filings for fire damages. To ensure a smooth process and accurate evaluation of your losses, it’s important to file Form 4684 with the IRS. This form helps identify the extent of damage and the insurance payout, which the IRS relies heavily on to verify and process loss claims.

Your home and belongings are valuable assets, and understanding the intricacies of your homeowners’ insurance and the tax implications of fire damages is essential for safeguarding your financial well-being. Tax laws are also ever-evolving, and seeking professional advice is crucial to make informed decisions and navigate any complexities that may arise.

Here at DimovCPA, we specialize in deductions related to fire or casualty losses. Take action now and reach out to our expert CPAs. Together, we’ll assess your unique circumstances, identify overlooked deductions, and implement smart strategies that can maximize your tax savings.




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