Still accepting new clients! Call (866) 681-2140

Early Return


It is time to get started on 2023 taxes! When you have a moment, please upload the following:

  • Latest pay stubs of 2023 
  • Any equity vesting schedules or tables showing how much you will vest in equity, if applicable 
  • Latest P&L projection for 2023 or year-to-date summary spreadsheet for any business activity, such as self-employment, rental income, etc. 
  • How much do you expect to earn from other passive or active sources, such as interest/dividends, crypto, K1s, etc. 
  • Any insight as to changes in your personal income in the year (pay raise, bonus, sale of stocks, inheritance, K1s, etc.) that differ from prior year. Please be very specific! 

This should get us started with the basics. We will reach out with more questions, deductions, and ideas as we work through the engagement.

Please let me know once you upload so we can check to ensure we have received. Do you think you can get us the files by Friday?

Looking forward to working with you & please feel free to email/contact us below anytime with questions. 


George Dimov, CPA

Licensed & Insured

(833) 829-1120 Toll Free

Email & Phone

(866) 681-2140

Office Hours

Monday : 7am–8pm

Tuesday : 7am–8pm

Wednesday : 7am–8pm

Thursday : 7am–8pm

Friday : 7am–8pm

Saturday : 7am–8pm

Sunday : 7am–8pm

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Office Hours

Monday : 7am–8pm
Tuesday : 7am–8pm
Wednesday : 7am–8pm
Thursday : 7am–8pm
Friday : 7am–8pm
Saturday : 7am–8pm
Sunday : 7am–8pm

Email & Phone

(866) 996-4306