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I will jump right to it: We have found that clients using us for mid-year tax planningtend to save at the bare minimum several thousand dollars per year (and in some cases into the five figures in tax).

We have a new tax plan format that we have been using this planning season. It involves:

  • Detailed report outlining all possible strategies you qualify for: We will run through dozens of iterations of your tax profile directly in the tax software to select the ones that make the most impact. We will then construct a custom report that shows all tax breaks you qualify for & how, using real numbers from your prior year return to generate the exact dollar-for-dollar tax impact
  • Consultation to review the results with our team: We will book a time to go over our findings in the report and assist with implementation, where necessary

Over the years, I have noticed that many taxpayers view tax preparation & planning as something that is done in one sitting: in April of each year. However, tax planning must be proactive if it is to be effective. This is because:

  1. Many tax strategies must be implemented in advance or you lose them by Dec 31st 
  2. Tax planning & tax preparation are two different activities – during peak tax season, most practitioners [not just at our firm but anywhere] will be laser-focused on the deadline and expect that you already have a plan in place.

The tax system is a “use it or lose it” system & we want you to get ahead of that.

Let me know if you are interested in this now, by Fri this week, prior to summer extension season. I can then provide next steps – just hit “contact us” below.

Much appreciated & Looking forward to finding you opportunities for tax reduction!

George Dimov CPA

(833) 829-1120 toll free