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Bonus Depreciation and Section 179

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Bonus Depreciation and Section 179 Depreciation

The IRS encourages businesses to invest in fixed assets by allowing deductions for significant asset purchases and improvements in the year when they are put into use. These deductions could be classified into two primary categories: Section 179 and bonus depreciation. Each deduction has its unique advantages and disadvantages underscoring the importance of comprehending your choices before applying them to assets acquired within a tax year. Dimov Tax & CPA Services is ready to assist you during the relevant processes to accelerate deductions and optimize tax benefits, particularly regarding assets like vehicles, machinery and equipment.

Bonus Depreciation

Bonus depreciation is a tax incentive that allows businesses to immediately deduct a substantial portion of the cost of qualifying assets in the year they are placed in service. The legal reference for bonus depreciation can be found in the United States Internal Revenue Code, under Section 168(k). 

This section outlines the provisions related to bonus depreciation including the eligibility criteria, applicable percentages and other relevant details. The depreciation method was introduced as part of various tax legislation to stimulate business investment and economic growth. One significant aspect of bonus depreciation is its ability to enable businesses to claim a higher percentage of depreciation in the first year, providing immediate tax relief.

Qualifying Assets

Bonus depreciation typically applies to tangible personal property with a recovery period of 20 years or less. For instance, machinery, equipment, furniture and certain types of vehicles could be counted among the mentioned properties. In addition, it may include certain qualified improvement properties which makes it particularly advantageous for businesses investing in upgrades to their facilities.

Benefits of Bonus Depreciation

  1. Accelerated Depreciation: Bonus depreciation allows for an immediate deduction of a significant portion of the asset’s cost dissimilar to conventional depreciation methods which spread the deduction over the useful life of the asset. This can lead to substantial tax savings. Especially in the year the relevant asset is placed in service.

  2. Cash Flow Management: Businesses can improve cash flow by reducing their tax liability in the initial years of asset ownership by front loading depreciation deductions. This additional liquidity could be reinvested into the business for expansion, innovation or debt reduction.

  3. Stimulus for Investment: Bonus depreciation serves as an incentive for businesses to invest in capital assets, fostering economic growth and productivity. The ability to deduct a substantial portion of asset costs upfront encourages businesses to make investments that they might otherwise postpone or forgo.

Limitations and Considerations

While bonus depreciation offers significant advantages, it would be essential for businesses to consider certain limitations and factors:

  1. Qualified Property Requirements: Not all assets qualify for bonus depreciation.  There are certain criteria that must be met to claim this benefit. Businesses should ensure that their assets meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the tax legislation.

  2. Tax Planning Implications: Businesses should consider the long term implications of accelerated depreciation on their overall tax strategy while immediate deductions can provide short term tax savings. Consulting with tax professionals at Dimov Tax can help your business navigate the complexities and optimize tax planning strategies.

  3. Impact on Future Years: Accelerating depreciation deductions in the early years of asset ownership may lead to reduced deductions in subsequent years. The timing of deductions should be carefully evaluated by businesses to maximize tax benefits over the asset’s entire useful life.

Section 179 Depreciation

Section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code allows businesses to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment and software purchased or financed during the tax year. On the contrary to bonus depreciation which applies to new assets, Section 179 of the IRC could also be applied to both new and used assets. This feature provides a versatile tax planning tool for businesses of all sizes.

Qualifying Assets

Section 179 depreciation applies to tangible personal property used in the course of business, including machinery, equipment, vehicles, computers, software and certain types of real property improvements. This provision is particularly beneficial for small and medium sized businesses which are looking to invest in essential assets while maximizing tax deductions.

Benefits of Section 179 Depreciation

  1. Immediate Tax Savings: Section 179 depreciation provides immediate tax relief, reducing the current year’s taxable income and resulting tax liability by allowing businesses to deduct the full cost of qualifying assets upfront.

  2. Flexibility and Versatility: Section 179 depreciation allows businesses to deduct the entire cost of qualifying assets in the year they are placed in service, unlike traditional depreciation methods that spread deductions over several years. This flexibility enables businesses to align deductions with their cash flow and investment priorities.

  3. Competitive Advantage: Leveraging Section 179 depreciation can provide businesses with a competitive edge by enabling them to invest in necessary equipment and technology while minimizing the financial burden. This can enhance productivity, efficiency and innovation by positioning businesses for long term success.

Limitations and Considerations

While Section 179 depreciation offers significant benefits, businesses should be mindful of certain limitations and considerations:

  1. Annual Dollar Limit: The IRS imposes an annual dollar limit on the total amount of qualifying property that can be deducted under Section 179. For the tax year 2023, the maximum deduction is $1,050,000, subject to phase-out for purchases exceeding $2,620,000.

  2. Eligibility Criteria: To qualify for Section 179 depreciation, assets must be used for business purposes more than 50% of the time. Additionally, certain types of property may be subject to specific limitations or exclusions which would require careful evaluation and documentation.

  3. Coordination with Bonus Depreciation: Businesses should coordinate Section 179 depreciation with bonus depreciation and other tax incentives to maximize tax savings while ensuring compliance with IRS regulations. Dimov Tax offers strategic tax planning and consultation that are essential for optimizing deductions and minimizing tax liabilities.

Section 179 and Bonus Depreciation: Essentials

  • Business owners should have sufficient income to utilize Section 179. If not, they should use the bonus depreciation deduction.

  • Businesses should assess their expenditures on fixed asset acquisitions. This is required to be certain on their total allowable deduction under each alternative. If there are too many fixed assets purchased, they may not be eligible for Section 179.

  • Additionally, taxpayers should contemplate their present tax bracket and anticipate any potential changes. Their tax bracket will influence whether they gain from the accelerated or straight line depreciation of assets.

Section 179 and bonus depreciation could be used at the same time when the business is near the deduction limits specified in Section 179 and the business has additional fixed assets that qualify for accelerated depreciation. The benefit lies in the ability to utilize additional depreciation deductions exceeding the limits defined in Section 179. Ensuring compliance with regulations specific to different states is important since many states docoupled from IRS guidelines concerning these deductions. When both deductions are applied federally, determining the portion of federal depreciation to be included for state tax return purposes may become challenging. 


Bonus depreciation and Section 179 depreciation are valuable tools that businesses can leverage to optimize tax benefits. Businesses might make informed decisions to maximize deductions, improve cash flow and drive long term growth by understanding these depreciation methods and their implications for asset investment and tax planning. Consulting with tax professionals and staying abreast of changes in tax legislation are crucial for navigating the complexities of depreciation and capital asset management in today’s dynamic business environment and Dimov Tax is ready to provide professional consultation during the entire process.

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