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83(b) Election for Equity Holders

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The Strategic Advantage of the 83(b) Election for Equity Holders: Insights

In complex U.S. taxation, certain opportunities offer significant advantages to taxpayers provided that they are navigated with precision and expertise. One such opportunity is the 83(b) election which is a critical tool for individuals who receive stock or equity interests as part of their compensation package. At Dimov Tax & CPA Services, our goal is to demystify this provision and ensure that our clients fully benefit from the potential tax savings it offers.

An 83(b) election is a provision under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code that allows individuals who receive equity (such as stock) as part of their compensation to potentially reduce their tax liability by choosing to be taxed on the fair market value of the equity at the time of receipt rather than when the equity becomes vested.

Key Aspects of an 83(b) Election

  • Timing of Taxation: Normally, when stock or equity subject to certain restrictions (like vesting) is received, it is taxed by the IRS as it vests. This means that the tax liability could increase as the value of the stock increases over time. By making an 83(b) election, one opts to be taxed on the total fair market value of the stock at the time it is granted, regardless of the restrictions.
  • Tax Rate Application: If the stock appreciates in value from the time it is granted until it vests, taxes on the appreciation can be avoided by making an 83(b) election. Essentially, this can result in significant tax savings if the stock increases in value.
  • Risk of Loss: One of the risks associated with making an 83(b) election is that taxes are paid upfront on stock that may never be fully received if vesting requirements are not met. If, for any reason, the stock is forfeited, the taxes paid at the time of the election cannot be recovered.
  • Filing Requirements: The election must be made within 30 days of receiving the equity. It involves the filing of appropriate paperwork with the IRS and the notification of the employer. Missing this 30-day window means the opportunity to make this election for those shares is lost.
  • Long-term Capital Gains: If an 83(b) election is made, the holding period for the stock starts immediately, potentially allowing for qualification for long-term capital gains treatment upon the sale of the stock if it is held for more than one year, which is generally taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income.

By understanding these aspects, eligible taxpayers can make a more informed decision about whether an 83(b) election is beneficial for their specific financial situation. The 83(b) election is particularly relevant for:

  • Employees who receive stock options as part of their compensation.
  • Founders of a company who receive equity that is subject to vesting as part of their initial stock allocation.
  • Any individual participating in an equity compensation plan where stock vests over time.

Making the 83(b) election can be highly advantageous, especially if the stock is expected to appreciate. By choosing to be taxed at the time of the grant, individuals lock in their tax obligations at potentially lower rates, before the stock appreciates.

Steps to Making an 83(b) Election

The process for making an 83(b) election involves several critical steps that must be strictly adhered to:

  1. Filing Timing: The election must be made within 30 days of receiving the equity.
  2. Documentation Required: A written statement declaring the election must be filed with the Internal Revenue Service.
  3. Information to Include: This statement should detail the property for which the election is being made, the date of the property transfer and the period over which the property will vest.
  4. Copy to Employer: A copy of the completed election must be provided to the employer for inclusion in the employee’s tax records.

These steps must be performed precisely as failure to comply might result in the loss of potential tax benefits.

Potential Advantages and Disadvantages

The 83(b) election, which allows individuals receiving restricted stock to opt for immediate taxation on the total fair market value at the time of granting, has distinct advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help determine if this election is suitable for one’s financial and tax situation.


  • Lower Taxable Income: If the stock appreciates after the election, any increase in value will not be subject to ordinary income tax rates. Taxes are paid only on the initial market value at the time of the grant.
  • Capital Gains: By making an 83(b) election, the clock starts on the holding period for long-term capital gains. This could result in lower taxes upon sale if the stock is held for over a year from the grant date since long-term gains are typically taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income.
  • Tax Certainty: Electing 83(b) provides clarity on the amount of taxes owed at the very beginning which can be beneficial for financial planning, especially in startups where stock value can increase dramatically.


  • Upfront Tax Liability: The election requires paying taxes on the stock immediately, based on its value at the time of the grant, which could be substantial and requires available funds to cover these taxes, regardless of whether the stock is liquid or not.
  • Risk of Forfeiture: If the company is left before the stock vests or if the stock becomes worthless, the cost of taxes on the stock will have been borne. This cost may not be fully benefited from. The taxes paid are not refundable.
  • Decrease in Stock Value: If the stock value decreases after the election, more taxes will have been paid than what the stock is worth at the time of vesting or selling. This results in a financial loss relative to waiting to be taxed at vesting.
  • Administrative Burden: There is a strict requirement that the election must be filed within 30 days of receiving the stock. Additionally, the paperwork must be meticulously prepared and submitted to the IRS, adding a layer of administrative complexity.

Deciding whether to make an 83(b) election involves weighing these potential advantages against the risks, particularly considering the nature of the stock’s potential value changes and one’s financial ability to pay taxes upfront. It is often beneficial to consult with a tax professional who can provide tailored advice based on individual circumstances and projected outcomes.

Services Provided by Dimov Tax & CPA Services

At Dimov Tax & CPA Services, we specialize in guiding our clients through the intricacies of the 83(b) election. Our services include:

  • Initial Consultation: Understanding the client’s specific circumstances and the suitability of an 83(b) election.
  • Valuation Assistance: Helping determine the fair market value of the equity at the time of the transfer.
  • Election Filing: Assisting with the accurate preparation and timely filing of the 83(b) election form.
  • Tax Planning: Integrating the 83(b) election into the broader context of the client’s tax strategy.


The decision to make an 83(b) election is not to be taken lightly. It requires a thorough understanding of the implications and benefits as well as precise execution of the required procedural steps. At Dimov Tax & CPA Services, our expertise is leveraged to ensure that every client can make informed decisions and benefit from the most favorable tax outcomes. With our support, the complexity of equity-based compensation and tax planning could become manageable, allowing our clients to focus on growing their businesses and optimizing their financial outcomes.

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