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Home deductions

Are you a homeowner looking to maximize your tax deductions? With the constantly changing tax laws, it can be overwhelming to figure out which deductions you qualify for. In this blog post, we’ll go over 5 tips for optimizing your homeownership tax strategy and saving money on your taxes.

1. Mortgage Interest Deduction

One of the most common deductions for homeowners is the mortgage interest deduction. You can deduct the interest you paid on your mortgage for the year, up to a certain limit. However, keep in mind that there is a cap on this deduction for high-value homes, so plan accordingly.

2. Property Tax Deduction

In addition to the mortgage interest deduction, you can also deduct your property taxes. However, there is a cap on this deduction for certain situations, so be sure to check the latest tax laws.

3. Home Office Deduction

If you have a home office and are self-employed or have 1099 income, you can deduct part of your home expenses related to your office. However, if you don’t meet these requirements, this deduction is not currently deductible. It can be deducted eventually when you sell your home, but certain rules and recordkeeping apply.

4. Green Energy Credits

There are several green energy credits available for homeowners, such as a tax credit for installing an EV charging station or purchasing an EV. You can also receive a tax credit for installing solar electricity, solar water heating, wind energy, geothermal heat pumps, biomass fuel systems or fuel cell property. The Inflation Reduction Act will also increase the limit for the tax credit in 2023.

5. Disaster-Related Home Damage

If your home suffers damage as a result of a federally designated disaster, you may be able to deduct some of the costs. However, this deduction is no longer available for other types of home damage since the 2018 tax code changes.

By following these tips, you can optimize your homeownership tax strategy and save money on your taxes. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us – home deductions are one of our specialties and we know these deductions from cover to cover.

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